EQAL Target

A personalized executive team workshop and a bespoke exploration of quantum application.

Programme Overview

EQAL Target is a specialized and bespoke programme to enable you to prepare to be quantum-safe, take advantage of a post quantum world and deliver the ground-breaking opportunities of this revolutionary technology. Quantum has the potential to supercharge many aspects of business and finance, as well as solve some of the world’s most pressing challenges from climate change to energy, sustainability, healthcare and security. Gain a pragmatic understanding of the challenges and potential of this exponential technology and explore how quantum can supercharge your application by solving operational inefficiencies, optimizing productions, improving encryption and much more. Work with our expert team and experts to utilize quantum technologies and prepare you to run a Proof of Concept in the next stage.

Who Should Attend?

EQAL Target is a bespoke workshop designed for teams seeking to gain an understanding of quantum technology and engage in hands-on exploration of the potential of using quantum technologies and tools to super-charge their products. The workshop is recommended for product teams or leadership.

Learning Objectives

This is bespoke and we can create an agenda most suitable to your needs. Potential examples can include:

  • Exploration of your projects commercial and data challenges

  • Gain understanding of how your application can use and benefit from quantum computing

  • Explore and prepare you to run a Proof of Concept for your application

  • Long-term commercial prospects of Quantum

Modules of the Workshop

5. Preparing your Data

Including the removal of PII if necessary

6. Focus Areas Selected Specifically for your Application, for example:

Security - Design, Architecture and Implications on Business

Optimisation - Design, Architecture and Implications on Business

Operations - Design, Architecture and Implications on Business

7. Change Management and Roadmap to Implementation

8. Summary and Next Steps

  1. Introduction to Quantum

    Get everyone on the same page

    Bring the definitions

  2. Introduction to the Product and Company

    Why are we here?

    What are the goals and objectives for the session?

  3. Analysis of the Product Through the Lens of Quantum Opportunities

  4. Solution Design Workshop

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EQAL Extended