EQAL Express

An Express Course offering an introduction to quantum computing and exploring its potential commercial impact.

Programme Overview

EQAL Express is a full day session consisting of 5 lectures and group discussions to give the participants the basics of quantum computing. The structured approach enables business executives and key decision makers to not only learn the “what”, but more importantly – the “why should I care” and “how does it impact us”.

Who Should Attend?

EQAL Express is expertly designed to equip executives and managers with the core quantum computing knowledge and tools to make better business decisions. Participants join us from all over the world and a breadth of backgrounds, including management or any other non-tech specialisms.

This training course is ideal for mid-level managers seeking an initial foundation in quantum technologies and computing and looking to understand how quantum technology aids strategic decision making. No previous STEM education is required.

What Will You Learn?

  • Basics of quantum computing

  • Impact of quantum computing - quantum advantage versus quantum supremacy

  • When quantum does and doesn't make sense

  • Key technologies and providers to consider

  • Successful use cases

  • Near, medium and long term outlook

  • Where to learn more? A guide to the best resources on quantum

Learning Objectives

  • Base level understanding of quantum computing

  • Real-world impacts of quantum computing, with a focus on the most immediately relevant applications

  • Medium and longer-term quantum prospects

COST: $1500

First 10 sign ups discounted to $500


EQAL Taster


EQAL Extended